2024 MIPLA Golf Scramble
When: 10/7/2024

Midland Hills Country Club is a Seth Raynor designed golf course in Roseville.
Check-in will begin at 10:30 a.m. and a CLE event will be provided from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., and there will be a shotgun start at 1:00 p.m.
The CLE event is called: "Who's On First? A Primer on the Evolution on the Ownership and Use of Sports Data/Roseville," and will be presented by Aalok Sharma and David S. Kim (Partners, Stinson LLP) and Tom Masterman (Founder and Owner, Top of Mind LLC). 1 Standard CLE credit has been applied for (event code 515257).
Before the event, we will have access to the driving range, locker room, and practice facilities.
The $200 entrance fee will include the CLE, golf, a golf cart, lunch before the shotgun start, and happy hour after the event. Please register for the event by Friday, September 27. We are seeking hole sponsors! The cost to sponsor a hole is $500.
If you, your firm, or your organization are interested in sponsoring a hole or if you would like any additional details, please contact either Eric Phillips (ephillips@slwip.com) or Andrew Swanson (aswanson@kinney.com).